Find the answers to frequently asked questions here!


What is the teacher/student ratio?

Our Teacher/Student ratio is 1 teacher per 10 children. Our maximum class size is 20 children.

What does an average day look like?

Our preschool day includes a balance of teacher and student directed activities as well as large group, small group and individual activities with in the structure of a predictable daily schedule. A typical day looks like this:

9:00- 9:10 Music and Movement: we wake up and gets our brains ready to work.

9:10-9:30 Morning Group Meeting: we welcome each other with a hello song do calendar tasks, then we engage in a group discussion driven by an open-ended question posed by the teacher such as “What do you do when it starts to snow?” We end with a related activity such as counting cotton “snowballs” or we read a related story aloud.

9:30-10:15 Center Exploration: the children direct their own learning as they choose areas in the room to play and engage with materials provided. Areas include Art, Blocks, Dramatic Play, Fine Motor Manipulatives, Library, Math, Music, Puzzles, Science and Nature, Sensory Materials, Writing. During this time, the teachers engage with children to observe their skills and expand their thinking about what they are doing

10:15- 10:30 Bible Lesson: We listen to a Bible story and participate in a related movement, song or activity. We end with prayer. On Wednesdays, attend Chapel lead by Pastor Mike.

10:30-10:55 Snack: The preschoolers enjoy a healthy snack as they enjoy socializing at a table together. Following snack children chose a book to look at individually or with a friend while waiting for the next activity.

11:00-11:25 Large Motor Play: Children play on fenced in playground with a variety of activities.

11:30-11:45 Show and Tell Group Meeting: Children are assigned one day per month to bring something to show and talk about. The group is encouraged to listen and to think of questions to ask about what is shown. Following Show and Tell the teacher sets up the procedures and expectations for the small group project.

11:45-11:55 Small Group: The children work individually or in small groups to practice a skill such as cutting, complete a project, play a game.

11:55-12:00 Story Time: As the children complete their small group task they join the larger group for a story or group game until they are dismissed to their parent.


What school supplies do I need to bring?

Nearly all of the supplies that we need for an average day are already here in the classroom. On special occasions, your child may need to bring supplies - but those instances will always be communicated beforehand.

Will my child be prepared for kindergarten?

Yes! Our Pre-K classes work hard all through the year in order to be prepared for kindergarten. If you have specific concerns, please call and discuss them with Jacquie.


What is the holiday schedule?

We observe all major holidays, and our schedule mimics the Spokane School District for holidays and snow days. A good rule of thumb is "if public schools are in session, so is Son Shine".

In what sense are you a 'Christian preschool'?

We want every student to learn, grow, and experience the world - and one of the ways that we encourage that growth is by teaching students about the Bible, the love of God, and the importance of prayer. Each day we try to have some kind of tie-in to God's love, prayer, or a Bible story.

Students from all backgrounds and beliefs are welcomed!